Advancing in the Spirit | Supernatural


Unlock your spiritual senses as Todd shares his personal prophetic experiences, igniting a fire within you to tap into your own supernatural potential.

This collection includes the following schools or series from Todd Bentley Resources:

Healings signs and wonder 101
Harvest power
Kingdom school


Prepare to be amazed by Advancing in the Spirit | Supernatural! This extraordinary school is a culmination of over 20 years of ministry experience, packed with powerful teachings on the anointing and the gifts of the Spirit. Todd Bentley, a renowned authority in this realm, will take you on an awe-inspiring journey into the depths of prophetic ministry and the revelatory realm of heaven.

Unlock your spiritual senses as Todd shares his personal prophetic experiences, igniting a fire within you to tap into your own supernatural potential. With divine instruction and theological defense, this school will equip you with the tools needed to flow in the anointing and embrace the power of God.

Don’t miss out on this unparalleled opportunity to elevate your spiritual journey. Join Todd Bentley today and prepare to witness your faith soar to new heights as you step into a world of supernatural wonders!