Understanding Spiritual Gifts & Anointings Mentoring


Register Now and you will be added to Todd’s personal Facebook mentoring group, given full access Q&A , personal study notes, 3 live 90min webinars, video replay access, and more!



Some of the most asked questions we get are “How do I know what my gift is?” or “How can I grow in the anointing?”

Join Todd as he share with you in great detail about why we need the gifts of the Spirit today and even presents a theological defense of the need for the gifts of the Spirit today. In the Understanding Spiritual Gifts & Anointings mentoring session you will also learn how to discern what your gift is, how to discern the difference between giftings and the call to an Apostolic office. During this time up close and personal with Todd you will learn about different mantles and how the Holy Spirit empowers the believer to stand in their calling.

Register Now and you will be added to Todd’s personal Facebook mentoring group, given full access Q&A , personal study notes, 3 live 90min webinars, video replay access, and more!